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Month: February, 2018

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day.

There is a new breed of hatred doing the rounds since 2016. The biggest perpetrator’s seem to be those in power in the UK and the US. It seems so weird that all the inroads to human rights made over the last half century are gradually being pushed back and if we don’t stop this now things will get worse until no-one who is in a minority will be safe to go out of their doors (if they still have one to hide behind).

It started as it always does with allegations of improper conduct against their rivals in the elections and ended with them winning anyway. They try to hold onto power in any way possible so they feed on those who are weak and unable to defend themselves, in the US blacks, LGBTQ community and other minorities are targeted and anyone killing people in those communities are hailed as conquering heros protecting the white way of life and stopping crime (what crime was committed against by the young unarmed youth who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Is it any coincidence when the POTUS defends the KKK and calls their leaders strong patriots? All the good work done by his predecessor has been washed away and he is making the US the biggest joke in the Western World. Allied with the Russians (who may or may not have interfered in the 2016 election) he thinks he is stronger than any other President since the formation of the US but he is a laughing stock to his own people and those who respect life and human beings who are different.

Here in the UK our government fuelled by the losses sustained in the snap election called to prop up a disastrous Brexit plan which will leave every company in the UK vulnerable have started picking on the mentally ill who are often unable to give voice to their feelings.

This is putting a lot of strain on an already struggling area of charities trying to help those who are most at risk. With the bedroom tax forcing people onto the streets because they can’t pay their rents, people can’t afford to live so their debts are being passed to debt collectors who only want their cut so they add more costs on to build up the debt until a £200 bill has gone all the way up to £1500 and they have the blessing of the government to carry on adding costs for every visit, removing belongings which aren’t worth anything like the amount they are looking to collect. They have agreed guidelines which they should adhere to but they will call round to see people and if the door is opened they will push their way in (against the guidelines). Once they are in there is no way to stop them moving goods and taking a list of belongings which they say they will come back and collect the next day. They don’t care if anything is on HP, rental or belongs to someone else they will take it away because they hope people will be to frightened to complain.

The government have also said that anyone who has mental health issues should be treated the same as other disabled people but they tell the companies carrying out the assessments for them that if mentally ill people exhibit signs of mental illness to lie in the report as it is very rare for anyone to want to wait for 9 months to a year for a tribunal hearing.

There was a team who looked into the reasoning behind this about face behind locked doors and they found that someone with mental health issues is receiving approximately £75 per week in benefits which they won’t claim if they have to sign on every two weeks (every week for the first 3 months) so that is a saving there. It costs the government £20 for a mandatory reconsideration by someone inside the DWP to take time out to read the additional evidence provided and uphold the original decision, that cuts their savings down in the first 6 weeks but it is still worth doing. The tribunal case for an appeal costs the government £140, the tax payer picks up the remaining costs but it will take at least 9 months to be heard by a tribunal so most of the time those being denied benefits they rely on to live will drop out before it gets to the tribunal, leave their homes, if they haven’t already, and live on the streets.

Any case pursued all the way to the tribunal and having support from an overstretched charity like Citizens Advice or Age UK has an 80% chance of success. Even if the tribunal are faced with paper evidence and don’t actually see the person denied any state help for the duration of their desperation. Picking on the weakest in society is a mean thing to do, picking on those minorities who make up the bulk of the prison inmates because people either don’t look hard enough at them or their lawyers don’t care enough to try to ensure they are given a fair shake. I’m pretty sure that even though life is hard for blacks, Asians, LGBTQ’s and others they are no more likely to commit crimes than their white neighbours.

If anyone can tell us how to end suffering and bring peace to everyone where those guilty of hate crimes will be brought to justice even if they are white and hide behind the walls of the White House or 10 Downing Street, mental illness can affect anyone at any time and it is worse in many ways than a physical disability because of the harm it causes to others.

Here we are and here we are and here we go…

Once again I have seen the sun and it is wonderful how warm it is. If only the bloody wind would get lost the day would be lovely a fantastic spring day. I also found a lot of my pet hates just lying in wait to get dragged around on the bottom of unsuspecting people’s shoes. People who have dogs and let them roam free or refuse to pick up after them and risk a fine should not be allowed to have dogs.

If anyone knows how to stop people getting a dog and then not taking care of the dog and the neighbourhood when there are bye-laws tasking them with doing just that please let those in authority know. With all the government cut backs the bye-laws are going unenforced which people know and they are exploiting it.

Any thing that can be done to clean up our streets will always be welcome but it just boils my urine when dog owners expect other people to pick up after their dogs because they can’t be bothered. Anyone who doesn’t have a dog has no reason to carry poop bags and scoops to clean up after a dog makes a mess.

This is the version of one of my favourite songs of all time that doesn’t get heard enough. Video is courtesy of Youtube and Google.

Oh how I wish you were here

Friday 9/02/2018 began as any other day. I woke up yawning and made a coffee before going into the shower then got ready for work. When I arrived at work one of my colleagues asked me if I should have been there as I had the day booked off so I turned around and went home again.

Needless to say I was wide awake following the walk to and from work with hardly any time between. I wish I’d remembered then maybe I wouldn’t have been tired as I could have stayed in bed a little while longer.

Following on from the Delicate Sound Of Thunder which I watched again this morning to relax before I did anything else today. I thought I’d add a tune I’d forgotten about at the end of this post. Of course I’m listening to a Floyd play list as I’m writing this so deepest apologies if I suddenly go off on a tangent.

I saw Pink Floyd in 1974 in London twice on the same tour when they were defining several tracks that would appear on their next album, Shine on You Crazy Diamond and Welcome to the Machine as well as Wish You Were Here. Needless to say I had all of their previous albums and also Barrett by Syd Barrett at home. They performed the entire album of The Dark Side of the Moon and that was amazing but for me the highlights of any Pink Floyd show were the new songs they introduced to see which ones worked live and which ones maybe needed some more work done.

The light show was amazing and had progressed from the lamps they used to display on the screen at the back. They were also starting to use footage created by the band and filmed by them (I presume) on the screen at the back of the stage. Of course the concert I saw today didn’t have Roger Waters and his voice was missing, there was none of that in 1974.

I wanna tell you a story about a young girl and a group of outlaws

I have finished the second book of the legends of dimmingwood by C. Greenwood called the Betrayal of Thieves. The story continues from the first book and (no spoilers I promise) takes us away from Dimmingwood for a while but it does end with the heroes of the first book falling out towards the end.

C. Greenwood has created an absolute amazing tale of sorcery, magic, sword fights and the lead character is a woman who is not what she seems. She is vulnerable, trusting and will do anything for her friends, including following a trail to find them when captured and free them.

The tales take you on a journey and if you want to be entertained you could do a lot worse than read this series of books.

I was going to paste the cover here but unfortunately I can’t as I don’t own the copyright to it.