
Just another site

National poetry month

I’ve found my muse in the strangest of places. My children, wife #2 and some of my heroes. I haven’t written anything in years but when I was invited to write a poem a day this month I thought I’d give it a go. I can’t write to order so I’ve been writing from the heart. I’ve had a lot of positive responses and would like you to check out posts by these people, everyone of them is good in their own way and I count myself blessed to receive likes from these people I’m not in the same league as.

Dear reader, you really should check out the fantastic poetry around WordPress this month. Just search for NaPoWriMo on here. Even if you don’t like poetry you might be pleasantly surprised.


Not one for following
Not one for leading
I go my own way
Follow if you dare

I’m not interested in conformity
Or enormity
I couldn’t care less if I’m alone

You can be lonely in a crowd
Or happy in your own company
If you look you will find
A friend inside your mind

We all need someone
But if you look to yourself
You just might find

A friend in yourself
If you don’t love yourself
Then no one else will either
Feel happy with yourself